In his new book, the star author of the alternative globalisation movement, Klaus Werner-Lobo, demonstrates how people can free themselves from internal and external constraints, make true connections with others, act confidently and stand up for what they believe in. In his view, fools, jesters and clowns are most adept at achieving this because they accept their own weaknesses and vulnerability. Which is why the former politician himself became a clown.
In Free And Dangerous, the popular non-fiction writer explains exactly what makes fools so powerful: they make people laugh, but also reflect every facet of human emotion because they have no fear of failure, know no shame and do not adhere to convention.
From court jesters to Charlie Chaplin, throughout the ages clown figures in every culture have used this license to hold a mirror up to society, break down power structures and question dogma. Klaus Werner-Lobo follows in this tradition. Under the tutelage of the world’s best known clowns, he has confronted his own ridiculousness, acted the fool in the world of politics and found himself with the help of rituals practiced by »sacred« indigenous clowns. He no longer fears anything – and fearing nothing is what makes someone dangerous.
»Laughter is the best way to free ourselves and resist repression.«
Klaus Werner-Lobo