Book details

176 Pages
Publication date: April 2014
Imprint: Servus
Maximilian Moser Erwin Thoma

The Gentle Medicine of Trees

Using Old and New Knowledge to Live a Healthy Life

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  • German paperback rights: Goldmann Verlag
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Trees can help all of us live healthier and longer lives. Until a few years ago, the healing power of wood was a popular belief – now its benefits have been confirmed by medical science. Surrounding ourselves with pure wood works wonders for our bodies and souls.

This book is a reliable companion for everyone who wants to bring the rediscovered power of nature back into their lives. What type of wood has a positive impact on my body? How can I strengthen my immune system using homemade natural remedies? What can I do to sleep better? Where do I find good wood and how do I build a house that will keep the whole family healthy?


Maximilian Moser

Dr. Maximilian Moser, PhD, was born in 1956. He studied Biology and Medicine at the University of Graz. Moser has made significant contributions to studies that scientifically proved the positive effect of the Swiss pine wood on our body for the first time. The father of five is a professor at the Medical University of Graz and heads the Human Research Institute for Health Technology and Preventive Research.

Erwin Thoma

Erwin Thoma, born in 1962, has founded a company that specializes in building wooden houses that are self-sufficient in energy and managed entirely without technology and insulating materials. In his books, including NATURE’S STRATEGIES and THE SECRET LANGUAGE OF TREES, he takes us into a world that has become alien to many but that can hold a key to build a sustainable new world. Erwin Thoma lives with his family in Goldegg, Austria.