Book details

96 Pages
Publication date: January 2024
Imprint: Servus
Johanna Paungger Thomas Poppe


Health in harmony with the moon
How are moon phases, zodiac signs and our body connected? How do we define health? And what can we do to maintain it? The lunar experts Johanna Paungger and Thomas Poppe explain the basics and give numerous examples of how we can stay healthy with the power of the moon and promote vitality and well-being permanently.

HEALTHY WITH THE POWER OF THE MOON is the second volume of the richly illustrated edition of the collected works of the bestselling authors. With the best lunar tips from over 30 years.

»This health book will help you to reflect on this ancient knowledge and implement it sustainably in your everyday life«
Salzburger Woche Flachgau



Sample Translation


Johanna Paungger

Johanna Paungger, born in 1953 in Walchsee, Austria, was one of ten children born into a Tyrolean farming family. In 1969 she moved to Munich, where she completed a commercial apprenticeship. In 1983 she gave her first lecture on lunar and natural rhythms. An intensive lecture and author activity followed. Together with her husband Thomas Poppe, she has published 12 books on the power of the moon as well as various lunar calendars in editions of millions.

Thomas Poppe

Thomas Poppe, born in 1952 in Falkenstein, Austria, in the Upper Palatinate, studied American Studies, Newspaper Studies and Political Science in Munich. In 1987 he began working as a state-certified and sworn English translator. In 1994 he married his wife Johanna. Their joint publications on lunar and natural rhythms have been translated into 30 languages to date.