Book details

160 Pages
Publication date: May 2024
Imprint: Servus
Doris Kern Karina Nouman Eunike Grahofer Valerie Jarolim Karin Buchart

Our Alpine Herb Women

25 Portraits: Their Lives, Their Knowledge, Their Recipes

Good things are so close

Why go far afield when there are so many new and interesting things for a healthier and more sustainable life to discover on your own doorstep?

The world of herbs and plants holds many secrets for a health-conscious life in harmony with nature. 25 fascinating women with years of experience in dealing with herbs and medicinal plants tell us about the treasures in our surrounding and explain how we can recognize and use them for ourselves. With valuable tips and recipes, classics such as arnica ointment or rose water are easy to make yourself. And there is plenty more to discover, such as candied angelica, a pain-relieving mistletoe ointment or cowslip tincture. The stories of the herbalists are a source of inspiration for anyone interested in herbal medicine and natural health.

»The stories of the Alpine Herb Women are a source of inspiration for anyone interested in herbal medicine and natural health, as well as for a healthier and more sustainable life.«
Kulmbacher Land

»This book is highly recommended and interesting.«

»The stories of the Käruterfrauen are a source of inspiration for anyone interested in herbal medicine and natural health.«
Die Jägerin