Andreas Salcher, Austria’s toughest school critic, has packaged two books into one:
In NO MORE SCHOOL, he uncompromisingly reveals the deficits of Austrian educational institutions and evokes concern. An ailing system is ruining pupils’ talents and drives teachers into resignation. Parents are conscripted to act as tutors, and for 30 years, power-loving unionists and fearful politicians have been stifling any attempts at reforms. Yet they know exactly how good schools are run. Against their better judgement, children are robbed of their opportunities.
Andreas Salcher exposes the perpetrators and their henchmen, who want to immure our schools in the pedagogical Dark Ages.
In the second book, MORE AND MORE JOY, he shows the path to therapy and healing. Schools can be places where children feel comfortable and where they learn with joy and curiosity. There are teachers who don’t expect anything from their students, they just assume that they are capable of doing anything. In lively schools, children are formed and not perfected – so that they can understand their world a little better each day. MORE AND MORE JOY shows places where these lively schools already exist. Every child has a right to visit one of those schools. Now – and not in ten or twenty years.